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August saw Michael appear as Host for the 10th Annual Country Music Showdown with Ekka 2024, a terrific showcasing of emerging talent on the Australian Country Music scene.

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Michael, at the lectern for the second annual Venue Safety & Security Exchange Conference.

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Michael, before the camera for the TODAY SHOW, crossing live to Warner Bros. Movie World during the month.

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Michael making a new friend in-between coaching at SEA LIFE AQUARIUM, Sunshine Coast, this month.

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Some of the passionate team from SEA LIFE AQUARIUM, Sunshine Coast, taking part in a Public Speaking Bootcamp.

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Michael, at the lectern as emcee for the 2024 Australian Amusement Leisure And Recreation Association, Conference and Trade Show.

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Michael will be the AALARA 2024 Conference emcee in May. This month sees some of the upcoming industry specific content being announced.

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Michael joins Daisy and Tess, Host’s of the TRAINER TALKS AND TAILS Podcast, talking all things public speaking from a zoological and marine science perspective.

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April sees Michael as Master of Ceremonies for the annual JOURNEY2LEARN Charity Ball, supporting the wonderful work being done for neurodiversity within children’s education.

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Michael is confirmed as emcee for the second annual VSX Conference in Sydney.

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Some of the SEA LIFE Sydney team, from two days of STAND & DELIVER group sessions.

Inside the completely original training space at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.

A full day with the team from SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast.

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Michael’s final session for the year took place with the team from DRA Safety Specialists on the Gold Coast.

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Michael, onstage delivering a keynote address for the annual SESAME LANE Convention in the month.

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Michael recently spent an afternoon coaching with the team from CNW, based in Brisbane.

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Michael, onstage as Master of Ceremonies for the 2023 FUNLAB Convention on the Gold Coast.

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Michael, Host for the annual COUNTRY MUSIC SHOWDOWN, as part of the 2023 Brisbane Ekka.

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Media launch with Michael and SHEPPARD at Warner Bros. Movie World.

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Michael before media, announcing the arrival of music sensation, SHEPPARD, performing exclusively at Warner Bros. Movie World during September and October.

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Rebecca Moraitis (Odyssey Lifestyle Care Communities) with Michael, in the 4CRB Studio to talk all things related to maintaining a healthy and youthful mindset.

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Michael about to take to the stage as Emcee for the inaugural VSX Conference in Sydney.

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Michael with some of the team from the DC SUPER HEROES & SUPER-VILLAINS event season at Warner Bros. Movie World.

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Michael having fun on Set for LIVING PROOF (screening weekly on NINE), joined here with co-hosts, Leigh Muirhead Perkins and Tech Specialist, Stephen Fenech.

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The April 30 Public Speaking Bootcamp attendees. A powerful day of personal testimonies and growth.

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Together with co-host, Leigh Muirhead Perkins, Michael appears on LIVING PROOF weekly, across the NINE Network from March 11.

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Michael spent a morning with young leaders across local Gold Coast Primary Schools, speaking on the subject of HEROIC LEADERSHIP. Together they explored themes of personal values, empathy, responsibility and accountability.

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Michael recently sat with host, Jay Tinkler, in a deep dive episode of his podcast series; THE REMARKABLE PROJECT. The episode currently available wherever you find your podcasts.

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Michael returned to the annual ROTARY YOUTH TRANSITION SEMINAR in January, delivering his keynote address on Passion, Purpose and Resilience, to a terrific teenage audience.

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Behind the scenes of LIVING PROOF. Michael with Co-Host, Leigh Muirhead Perkins and Tech Expert, Stephen Fenech. The series now wrapped for 2022.

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Michael will be working with more of the team from PICO PLAY in the coming New Year.

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Some lovely feedback from ‘Jerry’ Phillip following a STAND & DELIVER session in the month.

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Terrific energy in the room for a STAND & DELIVER Public Speaking Bootcamp session at the wonderful SEA WORLD RESORT (Main Beach).

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Michael, at the InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort (Gold Coast), preparing to work with the team from UKG Australia - Workforce Management Software.

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Michael spent some time with former Vice-President of Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World Florida, Speaker and Leadership Coach, Dan Cockerell and his wife (and business partner), Valerie, on a recent trip to Australia.

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Michael and co-host, Leigh, featured in the November release of an all-new episode of LIVING PROOF.

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By invitation, Michael contributed to the 2022 Graduates Address for Vice Chancellor & President of James Cook University, Professor Simon Biggs. His piece here, related to the importance of resilience in our lives, and knowing our ‘why’.

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Michael, delivering a keynote address on the Gold Coast during the month.

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Michael, on-set shooting episode two of LIVING PROOF with co-host Leigh Muirhead and regular guest, Stephen Fenech.

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Some of the passionate SEA WORLD Marine Sciences team, after a recent Public Speaking Bootcamp Session in the month.

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LIVING PROOF, Episode 1, is now available. Michael is co-hosting the new series for GEM LIFE Lifestyle Resorts.

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The team participating at an August Bootcamp session inside the SEA WORLD RESORT.

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Michael, on-set and co-hosting for an upcoming lifestyle series.

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Michael recently had the chance to sit with Ken Whiting (Chairman of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions) for the latest instalment of his PARK LIFE Podcast, available now across Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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Michael’s PARK LIFE Podcast will be featured at the annual AALARA (Australian Amusement, Leisure and Recreation Association) Conference this month. With a dedicated booth, Michael will be capturing industry stories for future episodes, featured across both SPOTIFY and APPLE PODCASTS. He will also be keynote speaking during the event, on THE POWER OF STORY.

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Michael recently appeared on Studio Ten to speak a little about reasons to get back to visiting Village Roadshow Theme Parks on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

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Michael sat with Tom Bell, on his Podcast, during April. Their conversation exploring themes of personal motivation, mindset and taking charge of one’s own life.

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Blue skies over SEA WORLD during the month, with Michael hosting a corporate event breakfast at the park.

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With prolific Queensland based screenwriter and filmmaker, Gough, laying some Voice Over down for an upcoming local film being shot on the Gold Coast.

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During the month, Michael was a Keynote Speaker on ‘HEROIC LEADERSHIP’, for both Arundel and Coombabah State Primary Schools, at a leadership retreat in the beautiful Numinbah Valley.

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Some great moments working with the stellar team at Attwood Marshall Lawyers, located in Coolangatta, QLD.

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Michael making a brief appearance on STUDIO TEN during the month.

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Michael, pictured with the team behind APAC (Australian Performing Arts Conservatory) in Brisbane, after guest speaking to students on the 4 Key Pillars of Industry Career Building; Preparation / Action / Fearlessness / Resilience.

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On location, working with the team from the GOLD COAST WAKE PARK.

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Working with some of the dedicated team from the SEA WORLD MARINE SCIENCES DIVISION.

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A full day, with a great crew, at the Public Speaking Bootcamp on July 25.

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Michael, with some of the iconic characters, talented cast and crew behind the HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD event season at WARNER BROS. MOVIE WORLD.

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With VILLAGE ROADSHOW THEME PARKS recently announcing all-new attractions and content across multiple sites, Michael took part in an interview with HOT TOMATO and the Morning Crew.

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Michael, with the cast of the WIZARD OF OZ, as featured in the upcoming HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD event season at WARNER BROS. MOVIE WORLD.

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Michael will soon be seen in an upcoming Tourism Australia campaign. His segment shot in the month at Warner Bros. Movie World.

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Michael will be delivering the STAND & DELIVER program to select members of ASIS INTERNATIONAL, New South Wales, Australian Chapter, in Sydney next month.

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Sitting for a recent interview with JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY (Brisbane Campus), discussing their MBA program.

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Michael plays a small speaking role as Rocky Johnson’s boss (Dwayne’s father) in the premiere episode of YOUNG ROCK, a biopic comedy series on the life of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. The series launches in the U.S. on February 16.

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The latest episode of Michael’s Podcast, PARK LIFE, features his conversation with Village Roadshow Theme Parks General Manager, Shane Phillips.

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2020 was Michael’s 13th year as a volunteer Keynote Speaker for the ROTARY YOUTH IN TRANSITION SEMINAR. A powerful youth program designed to inform and inspire young people to pursue their goals with passion and fearlessness.

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Michael with some of the cast from the DC SUPER HEROES & SUPER-VILLAINS event season at Warner Bros. Movie World.

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Michael’s Podcast Series, PARK LIFE, will launch January 2021. This will be a weekly series hosted by Michael, diving deep into the lives of those in the business of making memories for others.

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Michael was recently interviewed at Warner Bros. Movie World as part of a forthcoming documentary on the theme park industry.

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With our November Bootcamp crew at the beautiful Sea World Resort.

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Michael, on-site with the great team from the AUSENCO offices in Brisbane.

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Michael appears opposite Australian singer / songwriter, Jarryd James, in the video for his new single, ‘MIRACLES’. The track is lifted from his forthcoming album, ‘P.M.’.

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A night of terrific outcomes with the October Public Speaking ‘Bootcampers’ at the SEA WORLD RESORT.

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The STAND & DELIVER Program is now officially a part of the 888INC. TALENT MANAGEMENT FIRM and their Positive Impact Academy. With offices based currently on both the Gold Coast and Brisbane, STAND & DELIVER will begin to reach out and positively impact those looking to develop new levels of personal confidence and communication skills.

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The crew from the September Public Speaking Bootcamp at the SEA WORLD RESORT.

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Michael will be the official Ground Announcer for the remaining two GOLD COAST TITANS Home Games at CBUS SUPER STADIUM, commencing Saturday September 12.

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The August Bootcamp crew at the Sea World Resort.

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Michael recently spent an hour with Natalie Kessell, Founder / Director of PINK HIBISCUS (www.pinkhibiscus.com.au). Their conversation featured here.

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A recording of Michael’s interview with the Morning Crew from HOT TOMATO, part of the relaunch of Warner Bros. Movie World recently.

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Briefly bumping into Bianca Stone from SEVEN, during reopening day for Warner Bros. Movie World.

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Pics from Michael’s appearance on the TODAY SHOW, as part of the reopening of Warner Bros. Movie World, on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

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Michael can be seen appearing in a new television and print media campaign for TerryWhite Chemmart.

Michael can be seen appearing in a new television and print media campaign for TerryWhite Chemmart.

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Some of the team from sessions during the month of July.

Some of the team from sessions during the month of July.

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That’s a wrap! Michael on-set with fellow actor Charles Allen, and talented singer / songwriter, Jarryd James. The guys together after playing roles in Jarryd’s new music video (coming soon).

That’s a wrap! Michael on-set with fellow actor Charles Allen, and talented singer / songwriter, Jarryd James. The guys together after playing roles in Jarryd’s new music video (coming soon).

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A thanks and congrats to the June participants.

A thanks and congrats to the June participants.

June 2020 saw the legendary Tom Jones turn 80. This pic captures Michael and Tom backstage at Channel Nine studios in the early 1990’s. Michael was appearing on ‘Hey, Hey, It’s Saturday’ following a musical performance from the entertainment icon.

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Public Speaking Bootcamp Sessions are coming to ZOOM! Weekly dates will be announced here May 23. This will be a great way to link up from wherever you are and have access to a session that will leave you feeling empowered, motivated and invigorated.

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Michael was recently the voice of the AQUACOLOUR SPECTACULAR - QUEEN OF CARNIVALE production, held at Sea World during limited nights in January.

Michael was recently the voice of the AQUACOLOUR SPECTACULAR - QUEEN OF CARNIVALE production, held at Sea World during limited nights in January.

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Following a successful keynote address at the 2019 International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions EXPO ASIA, Michael remains based now in Zhuhai, China, until mid-August. He is overseeing the successful introduction of live entertainme…

Following a successful keynote address at the 2019 International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions EXPO ASIA, Michael remains based now in Zhuhai, China, until mid-August. He is overseeing the successful introduction of live entertainment into LIONSGATE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD, opening at the end of July.

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Michael as the face (and voice) for the 2019 Vanish Oxi Action national television campaign.



Michael is excited to have been asked to deliver a June 2019 keynote address in Shanghai, China for the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.

Michael is excited to have been asked to deliver a June 2019 keynote address in Shanghai, China for the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.

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A busy month for Michael with two upcoming television commercials shooting and wrapping up. Time spent both in the studio and on location within Brisbane. Across screens nationally very soon!

A busy month for Michael with two upcoming television commercials shooting and wrapping up. Time spent both in the studio and on location within Brisbane. Across screens nationally very soon!


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Michael was fortunate enough to act as Emcee and be introducing Gold Coast Lord Mayor, Tom Tate, as part of the February Networking Breakfast for Women in Tourism.

Michael was fortunate enough to act as Emcee and be introducing Gold Coast Lord Mayor, Tom Tate, as part of the February Networking Breakfast for Women in Tourism.


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Michael spent a little time interviewing AQUAMAN star, Jason Momoa, during his tour of Australia for the December national premiere.

Michael spent a little time interviewing AQUAMAN star, Jason Momoa, during his tour of Australia for the December national premiere.


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Michael in his tenth year as a Keynote Speaker at the annual Rotary Youth in Transition Seminar.

Michael in his tenth year as a Keynote Speaker at the annual Rotary Youth in Transition Seminar.


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Michael serving as emcee for a night at the Sea World Resort Conference Center with Caroline Russo (left), celebrating the life and work of Village Roadshow Studios President Lynne Benzie, pictured right.

Michael serving as emcee for a night at the Sea World Resort Conference Center with Caroline Russo (left), celebrating the life and work of Village Roadshow Studios President Lynne Benzie, pictured right.


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Michael has been in the studio providing the voice of MILO - THE SHEEPDOG, as part of the FARMYARD FRIENDS live action children’s show, premiering at the Brisbane Ekka.

Michael has been in the studio providing the voice of MILO - THE SHEEPDOG, as part of the FARMYARD FRIENDS live action children’s show, premiering at the Brisbane Ekka.

W O R K I N G  W I T H  W B  I N  M E L B.

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Michael makes a brief appearance opposite Kelsey Grammer in the action adventure film GUARDIANS OF THE TOMB, released early in 2018.

Michael makes a brief appearance opposite Kelsey Grammer in the action adventure film GUARDIANS OF THE TOMB, released early in 2018.

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Michael will be appearing at the 2018 Brisbane Small Business Expo in May.

Michael will be appearing at the 2018 Brisbane Small Business Expo in May.

G U E S T  S P E A K I N G

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Michael is volunteering his services as Emcee for the May 26 'High Tea with Friends' at Southport Sharks on the Gold Coast.   

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Michael is in the studio at the start of the month recording Voice Over for an upcoming ENERGIZER marketing campaign in the U.S.

Michael is in the studio at the start of the month recording Voice Over for an upcoming ENERGIZER marketing campaign in the U.S.

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Terrific team on-board for the April Bootcamp at the SEA WORLD RESORT. Thank you Angela, Caitlin, Robyn and Quentin.

Terrific team on-board for the April Bootcamp at the SEA WORLD RESORT. Thank you Angela, Caitlin, Robyn and Quentin.

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Thanks and congrats to the March crew of Andrew, Marisa, Elaine and Duncan.

Thanks and congrats to the March crew of Andrew, Marisa, Elaine and Duncan.


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Michael guest speaking at the March WOMEN IN TOURISM Breakfast at Warner Bros. Movie World.

Michael guest speaking at the March WOMEN IN TOURISM Breakfast at Warner Bros. Movie World.

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Renee, Tracy, Sarah and Lianne.

Renee, Tracy, Sarah and Lianne.


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The annual gathering of the Australian Amusement & Leisure & Recreation Association will see Michael facilitating THINK TANK sessions on the matter of industry based leadership.  His 30 years in the Theme Park business forming the basis of insights and learning's to be shared through the March dates.



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Michael's first 2018 keynote speaking appearance will take place at the March WOMEN IN TOURISM networking breakfast.  


C A R N I V A L E 

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Michael is not only behind the role of Producer for CARNIVALE at Sea World on the Gold Coast, he is acting as emcee for the AQUACOLOUR SPECTACULAR being showcased nightly through the annual event season in January.

Sea World Carnivale is live through six nights in January.

Sea World Carnivale is live through six nights in January.

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On the Set for the short film 'BLOODWOOD', Michael playing the lead role of 'Nigel Bishop'.  Being released for the 2018 festival circuit.


R O T A R Y   Y O U T H   T R A N S I T I O N   S E M I N A R   

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Michael returns for his annual appearance as keynote speaker for the Rotary Youth In Transition Seminar in December.  Designed to empower and inspire, the program is squarely aimed at High School graduates as they prepare for all that is ahead. Michael's message is built on the importance of recognising our own individual passions, and through that recognition then discovering our purpose.

Michael with the kids participating in RYTS 2017 in Northern NSW.

Michael with the kids participating in RYTS 2017 in Northern NSW.

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 congrats to the september 2017 bootcamp participants










Warner Bros. Movie World, on Queensland's Gold Coast, will officially launch it's highly anticipated DC RIVALS HYPERCOASTER on September 21st, with Michael as the emcee for the evening.



Michael will be the Guest Speaker on Friday, September 8, for the annual breakfast with the Northern Collegiate of Schools.  The subject will be 'The Why'.  A keynote address challenging us to consider if we truly know 'why we do what we do' within our chosen career paths.



Michael acted as emcee for an exclusive live performance from Paulini, star of the The Bodyguard - The Musical, at Warner Bros. Movie World on Thursday, July 28.

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QUT Students of Creative Industries will have an opportunity to both listen to and interact with Michael when he appears as an invited guest for a two hour panel session on the QUT campus.  Michael will spend time offering insights and taking questions, drawing on a thirty year career in the entertainment industry.

SCHAPELLE Movie - May 2017

Michael's performance as former AFP Chief Mick Keelty seen again on screens with Channel Nine airing the telemovie SCHAPELLE on May 28.



Michael will be the Moderator for the first online broadcast of HUMANEITY TV on April 19.  The show will be panel style and before a live audience where the discussion will be built around sustainable living and a wonderful initiative known as the Tiny House Project.  Here he is with the panel and HUMANEITY Founder and TV Producer Mark Philpott on-set.


Michael has recently completed a two page interview profiling his entertainment industry career, now appearing in the JAN edition of OCEAN ROAD MAGAZINE.  An online excerpt below.